Egtvedpigens Verden

Egtvedpigens Verden

Imagine that you are exactly where the past and the present meet. A portal welcomes you and invites you to step through and into the world of the past. You put today's sounds and everyday thoughts behind you, become present and perceptive.


Egtvedpigens Verden


Vejlemuseerne og Vejle Kommune



Time span





350 m2




18 mio. dkk

Partner in charge

Mads Rudi Lassen

PAX Team

Thomas Bossel

Mathias Brockdorff



You move through Egtvedpigen's landscape, and in small glimpses you experience that present and past are synchronous, in the scent from the yarrow and in the reflections from the water mirror. Egtvedpigen's death and grave become the opening to the story of her life. You sense what she sensed, while you experience her world, with plants, animals, rituals and customs. Your movement through the landscape brings the story to life. And when you are finally back in the future, you carry the presence of history with you.

The Bronze Age

In the proposal, we have sought to open up the world view of the Bronze Age for today's people.We lean on the historical perspective, both the distant one about the Bronze Age and the closer one about the excavationsand the dissemination that has been of both finds and st ed.But we also add a new layer of spatial experiences and immediate sensations, to create onepresence to history. Across time and across worldviews - all that separates usfrom Egtvedpigen - we still sense the world with Egtvedpigen's senses. The sound in the leaves, the coolnessin the shadow, the sun in one's face – becomes everything that for a while connects us with Egtvedpigen andallowing past and present to merge

Central to our proposal is the fact that everything exhibited at the site today are copies, andthe originals are in the National Museum. It is both challenging and liberating at the same time.Challenging because the experience must therefore be made authentic and present in a different way,and liberating because it enables the project to (re)create spaces and experiencesin the landscape and thereby open up history for the present.