Projekt START
PAX architects are amongst the selected teams for project START
Projekt START
Time span
Project START is carried out in collaboration between the Dreyers Foundation and the Association of Architects. The Association of Architects is the secretariat. The project was launched in 2021 and will continue until mid-2024.
With Project START, the Dreyers Foundation and the Architects' Association will make it easier for the design studios of the growth layer to gain a foothold in the market. We match newly established talents with specific tasks in the municipalities. The goal is for both parties to open their eyes to the possibilities of cooperation.
So far, two application rounds have been completed for newly established design studios. In the first round of applications, 23 design studios were selected, and in this second round of applications a further 12 were found. The wish is to supplement with additional talent in the future.
Big thanks to @arkitektforeningen and @dreyersfond